South American Gray Fox at Dusk
Photograph by Mattias Klum
A South American gray fox (Lycalopex griseus) yawns as dusk falls on Chile’s Torres del Paine National Park. In Voyage of the Beagle, Darwin chronicled his first encounter with another member of the same genus, Darwin’s fox (Lycalopex fulvipes): "I was able, by quietly walking up behind, to knock him on the head with my geological hammer. This fox, more curious or more scientific, but less wise, than the generality of his brethren, is now mounted in the museum of the Zoological Society."
See more photographs from the October 2008 feature story "Darwin."
摄影:Mattias Klum
当暮色降临智利百内(译注:Torres del Paine,又译作托雷德裴恩,当地印第安语蓝色众峰之意)国家公园时,一只南美灰狐(Lycalopex griseus)打着哈欠。在《贝格尔号之旅》中,达尔文记录了他与这一属另一个成员达尔文狐(Lycalopex fulvipes)的第一次相遇:“我可以悄悄走到它的背后,用我的地质锤敲击它的头部。这种比它的同胞更具好奇心或者技巧性却不够狡猾的狐狸现在已经进入了动物学博物馆。”
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