Moose Cow and Calf, Mayfield Lake

2009-03-29 (23:59)


分类:Photo of the Day



Moose Cow and Calf, Mayfield Lake

Photograph by Michael Christopher Brown

This Month in Photo of the Day: National Geographic Magazine Features

Morning draws a moose cow and calf into the shallows of Mayfield Lake in British Columbia. With a rich array of species, including several types of large mammals, the M-K offers a unique window on wildlife. Few roads open into the region, limiting human access—but not animal behavior, says Kathy Parker, a professor of wildlife ecology at the University of Northern British Columbia. A relatively intact landscape has helped keep ecosystems intact and let animals retain flexibility in what they eat and how they migrate. "Animals in the M-K still have a lot of options," Parker says. "It allows animals to use more than one strategy to make a living, which may be important for long-term survival and reproduction."

See more photographs from the November 2008 feature story "Northern Giant."




摄影:Michael Christopher Brown


晨光把一对驼鹿母子带入不列颠哥伦比亚省Mayfield湖的浅滩。拥有包括多种大型哺乳动物在内的丰富物种,Mayfield湖为人们提供一个独一无二的观察野生动植物的途径。北不列颠哥伦比亚大学的野生动植物生态学教授Kathy Parker说,为了限制人类进入,几乎没有路修到这里——但这不会影响动物活动。一个相对原始的环境有助于保存原有生态系统,也能让动物保持对食物和迁徙的适应。“Mayfield湖区的动物依然有很多选择的自由,”Parker说,“动物们都有不止一种的生存方式,这对于长期生存繁衍是非常重要的。”


上一篇:Sufi Dancer, Naama Bay, Egypt
下一篇:Photo Shoot, Nuorilang Falls, China


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