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Puu Oo Vent on Mount Kilauea
Photograph by Bryan Lowry
This Month in Photo of the Day: Images From the 2008 International Photo Contest
When Kilauea volcano’s Puu Oo vent was active I visited it often. On this particular cold January morning the winds were light, which allowed the superheated gases and steam to rise straight up into the sky from the glowing and spattering vents within Puu Oo. The cold air pushed the hot plumes back down in a swirling motion at sunrise. This allowed for the beautiful colors. Shot with a Nikon Dslr and the Nikon 10.5 lens from the north rim of Puu Oo vent. 30-second exposure.
See winners’ galleries, solve puzzles, and download wallpaper from the 2008 International Photo Contest.
基拉韦厄火山上的Puu Oo洞口
摄影:Bryan Lowry
当基拉韦厄火山上的Puu Oo洞口出现活动时,我经常会去那里。这是一个异常寒冷的一月的早晨,风很小,因而从Puu Oo洞口里那些灼热且岩浆飞溅的火山口中喷出的炽热气体和蒸汽可以笔直升上天空。日出时冷空气又把热旋涡式地压了回去。如此便形成了这样美丽的色彩。使用一台Nikon数码单反和Nikon 10.5mm定焦镜头在Puu Oo洞口北面拍摄。30秒曝光。
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